
For my Dissertation, I investigated the so-called reversal of the concreteness effect of nouns in Chilean Spanish from a 5EA-C based perspective. I received my PhD in Psycholinguistics from the University of Concepción (CL) through the Chilean National Agency for Research and Development and also hold a Licenciatura (German equivalent: Diplom) in Physical (Biological) Anthropology from the same institution.

I've undergone research stays at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics (NL), University Leipzig (DE), Federal University of Juiz de Fora (BR), and the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics (DE).

I've also built a parallel career in the private sector, mainly around healthcare as a freelance analyst for The Economist, genetics firma Arcensus GmbH, and as a medical information specialist for BioNtech’s Comirnaty through ProPharma Group, as well as in software business development for think-cell GmbH.

Last and least, I'm also a pianist of classical and jazz tradition; having had several bands and taught piano and guitar; I've also held lecture performances such as "Time Decoration" on my process of composition at the bernese atelier Schwobhaus (CH) and interdisciplinary symposia such as "Seeing and moving" with neuroscientist Tommaso Tosato and performance artist and musician Maike Hautz, which was held by dancer and choreographer Charlie Fouchier at Tanzplattform Leipzig (DE).